HUGO BOSS presents the third installment of their extreme sailing stunts - following the Mastwalk, and Keelwalk, witness the Skywalk by Alex Thomson. Yes, it's a bit silly, isn't it? But what the heck, fun is fun. On with the show.
With tuppence for paper and strings You can have your own set of wings With your feet on the ground You're a bird in a flight With your fist holding tight To the string of your kite
Oh, oh, oh! Let's go fly a kite Up to the highest height! Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring Up through the atmosphere Up where the air is clear Oh, let's go fly a kite!
Highlights From the 2015 Kandui Resort Season. Surfers: Nate Behl, Koa Smith, Craig Andersen, Drew Meredith, Hayden Welch
Production and Footage Courtesy of Photo Courtesy of Music: The Six Parts Seven l A Blueprint of Something Never Finished
Eh, what the heck. I wanted to go for a swim anyway.
C. A. Marchaj -"To be seaworthy, a vessel must be able to defend herself against the incursion and peril of the sea."and"A competitive approach to sailing: above all, speed. Relatively small, overcanvassed and overpowered boats, suffering a notorious lack of stability, dominate the contemporary racing scene."
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